I need your VOTE! My Guinness World Records title for the fastest 100 meters jumping rope on one leg (what a mouthful) is in the finals for the Fan Choice of the Year. VOTE HERE. The winner is determined solely by how many votes they get and I need every vote possible if I want to stand a chance at winning. Last year a jump rope record (most jumps in one hour) won the event and it would be awesome if another jump rope record won again this year! Please vote and then pass it along to every one you know. Voting ends Jan. 13th so vote soon and please pass it along! **Quick Note. When my wife went to vote on her phone it said that her vote had already been counted. It looks like they only allow one vote per internet connection (ip address) so if more than one person in your house goes to vote, make sure you are on your phone not wifi or it won’t count. Thank you.
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