I can not recommend him enough! His show and his message were excellent. He would be great for any group setting
Mark Good | Principal | Mountain Mission School | Grundy, VA
What I'm excited about is that we can take that lesson from the Rope Master and apply it to their academics as well.
Christy Flowers | Principal | Reid Elementary | Goodrich, MI
I know budgets are tight, and we have to choose carefully, but I can assure you that Peter's fee is money well spent due to his showmanship, his talent, and the power of his message. He's an inspiration to everyone in the audience, regardless of age!
Susan Boyer | Lower School Director | Cape Fear Academy | Wilmington, NC
This is a fantastic program to show to your kids. Our school is a K-12 school and it was appropriate for all ages.
Gary Spiker | Superintendent | Ash Fork School | Ash Fork, AZ